Contact Us
Please call us on 08 8255 2133. TELEHEALTH - 0420678650 FAX - 83111751 * Meditation * or visit our clinic.
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Urgent medical issues are attended to immediately. If you feel you have an emergency, please phone us, attend the local hospital or call an ambulance.
Emergency services: 000
After hours locum: 134100
Phone Calls
It is not always possible for the Doctors to take your call. We are happy to take a message for you and your call will be returned as soon as possible. Emergency calls will be put through, however they cannot make a diagnosis over the telephone.
Please let us know if we are doing well and if you feel there is something we could do better we would appreciate you letting us know. Please speak to the our receptionist or doctor or email on
If you are still unhappy with our service you may wish to contact the Health Advice and Complaints Office on 08 8226 8699.